Maple Orange Baked Pazazz Apples
Baked Apples
non-stick spray
2 tablespoons orange juice, fresh squeezed plus extra
3 tablespoons L&B Pure Maple Syrup
¼ cup currents
¼ cup pecans, chopped
1 ½ tablespoons butter, unsalted, cut into 4 slices
¼ teaspoon salt
dash pepper
2 medium Pazazz apples, cored, sliced in half
orange zest, to taste
crème fraiche, to taste
Heat oven to 350 F. Coat an 8-inch non-stick square pan with cooking spray.
In small mixing bowl, combine orange juice, maple syrup, currents, pecans, butter, salt, and pepper. Place apples skin side down in pan and top each evenly with the mixture. Some of the juice will drip down the sides.
Bake in oven for 20 minutes. Take out and top each apple half with orange zest and squeeze more orange juice in pan so the syrup does not harden. Tent the pan with aluminum foil and bake for another 20 minutes or until apples have softened to desired texture.
Serve with crème fraiche drizzled over top.
Amount: 4 servings
By: Liz Sellet, FoodE Expert of Lund’s and Byerly’s